"Aku hanya manusia yang ingin berbagi dengan sesama dan aku hanya manusia yang ingin memetik hikmah dari belantara dan gurun kebijaksanaan"

Cattle Feeds


In animal husbandry, feed production costs can reach 70%. Therefore, this business benefits can be obtained if the rations / feed given quite cheap but can meet the needs of livestock.

Feed ingredient for cows can be grouped into two, namely green and Feed Supplement (Concentrate). To get a good product then both types of feed materials should be provided, as is expected from both types of feed materials of this protein needs can be met.


Greenery is the main feed ingredient that is usually filled from the grass. Cow's milk production can occur due to low quantity and poor quality of grass is especially true in the dry season. To overcome the shortage of grass that can be used other materials in the form of green bean leaves (Gliricidia, kaliandra, Lamtoro, turi, water hyacinth, etc.) and agricultural wastes (rice straw, corn stems, corn cornhusk etc.). The amount given as green feed dairy cows ranged from 50-75% protein that is required or a rough calculation of approximately 10% of body weight.


Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus)

Kaliandra are legume crops (leguminosa) shrubs that can grow in dry season, although not as good as the growth of the rainy season, especially on steep cycle region. To grow an average ideal temperature is 20-28 degrees Celsius is required. As a source of green fodder kaliandra should be planted with spacing 1x1 or 2x0 meters, 5 meters at the beginning of the rainy season. Cutting plants performed every 12 weeks with a 1 meter high pieces, the production gained 10 tons of dry material / ha / year.

Kaliandra chemical composition containing 20% protein range, there is 8-11% tannins, saponins, flavonoids and glycosides in the small amount that is not harmful to livestock cattle.

kaliandra can be used in place of some of the grass given. In the cow grass can replace a maximum of 50%, while for sheep up to 30%. Giving the best cattle in the form of fresh because the drying process will reduce consumption and kecernaanya, besides tannin content in fresh kaliandra less dangerous to livestock. Kaliandra can be given just before or after additional feeding.

Gamal (Glicidia sepium)

This leguminosa plants can grow rapidly dry area. Gamal grow well in areas with temperatures 22-40 degrees Celsius. As a source of green fodder should be planted with a distance of 1x1 meters with cutting interval 6-12 weeks, whereas the first cuts made at 10-20 weeks. How to planting can be done by cuttings or seeds, the results obtained by the range production of 19 tons / ha / year.

Gamal chemical composition containing 19-25% protein, contains high kumarin toxic, saponins and fenolat acid in small amounts. Gamal can be used as a substitute for some grass, a cow giving the maximum to 40%, whereas in sheep up to 75%. To reduce the content of the prior kumarin given to cattle or dilayukan should first dried for several hours or overnight. Gamal should be given together or mixed with the provision of grass.

Lamtoro Gung (Leucaena leucocepala)

Leucaena leucocephala is one leguminosa tropical withstand repeated cutting. Produced 20 tons of dry material / ha / year. Lamtoro chemical composition of protein, tannin substances are good enough to feed livestock and toxic mimosin high. As animal feed, to reduce the content should be dried mimosin first day.

Leucaena leucocephala can be used as a substitute for some of the grass. Provision of dairy cows to 50% can cause the milk can even smell the fat content and increase production.

TURI-in Indonesian (Sesbania glandiflora)

Turi is the preferred group of cattle leguminosa and exhaust the population preferred. Turi resistant to repeated cutting. Production may reach 20 tons of dry material / ha / year.

Turi which contains high protein and contains 36% higher energy than kaliandra, Lamtoro and gamal. Turi toxic saponin which is very high that membahakan livestock, especially cattle class on chickens. Turi can be given to groups of cows and sheep as a substitute for some grass. Providing up to 2 kilograms of lamb weight gain can increase 300% compared to elephant grass fed only. While the cows were given 2 kg of straw mixed to produce the same weight ration perfect gift.

Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare)

Sorghum plants taken including seeds, plant waste can be used as livestock feed. Sorghum plants can grow in areas with high temperatures and low rainfall. As an animal feed should be planted early dry season. Sorghum protein content ranged from 7.5 to 8.2%, sorghum contains cyanide poison that can be removed with the hay and silase made.

Sorghum can be used as penganti grass. With the cyanide content of sorghum is the use of cows do not get too high (10-20)% with hay or silase made.


Straw can be derived from agricultural products such remaining rice straw, soybean straw, peanut straw, etc..

Protein content of hay is not high only 5-10% range with coarse fiber that is very high. Hay can be given to cows to replace the grass, giving the cow not more than 20%.

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